Regional Workshop Maputo: Twin Institute of UNU-FLORES as hub for the region
The workshop is a follow-up to the 2nd International Scoping Workshop (ISW) on UNU-FLORES which took place in Maputo on 24-25 October 2011. The 2nd ISW was attended by stakeholders from UNU, from TU Dresden (TUD), the main partner of the UNU-FLORES, Dresden, from several faculties of Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM), international experts and, to a limited extent, potential regional partners. The workshop resulted in a clearly worked out list of proposed research areas and topics for the twin institute in Maputo and a general outline for the future study programmes.
The planned regional workshop may build on two major achievements since the 2nd ISW: the official opening of UNU-FLORES, Dresden and the signing of an MoU on the establishment of UNU-FLORES, Maputo, between the Ministry of Science and Technology of Mozambique, Eduardo Mondlane University and UNU. Recalling the envisioned role of the UNU-FLORES, Maputo, to act as a regional hub for research and education in integrated management of environmental resources, the following aspects of the scientific concept of the institute need to be worked out in more detail: the scientific network in the region and the planned study programme(s) for the start-up phase. The relationship with UNU-FLORES, Dresden and with TUD shall in both cases receive ample consideration. The goals of the regional workshop are:
1. Identify regional partners for the twin in Maputo and define their role in joint activities;
2. Building a network in research and education for the Twin Institute of UNU-FLORES in the region;
3. Conceptualize potential joint research activities within the network (topics and suitable regions for case studies), considering results of the 2nd ISW;
4. Work out a concept for a MSc programme of UNU-FLORES, Maputo based on a mapping of available courses by regional partners and considering its relation to the joint study programme of UNU-FLORES, Dresden and TUD;
5. Provide an exercise of joint teaching in the area of integrated resources management: regional needs of integrated resources management strategies.
The first point will largely be covered during the preparation of the regional workshop and be finalized during the event (2). Based on the research areas identified in the 2nd ISW and available partners, the third point can be addressed, e.g. by broadly defining a research consortium for some transboundary issues in resources management in the region.
Based on the mapping of available study programmes in the region which should be prepared for the workshop and taking the planned study programme of UNU-FLORES, Dresden as a template, details of the study programme and the potential contributions of regional partners may be worked out (4).
In the last part of the workshop (5), a group of graduated students (with a background in engineering, natural or social sciences related to resources management) from various countries in the region and coming from different universities (UEM, TUD, as well as from other participating universities) shall be involved in the discussions. To provide a common starting point, international experts (participating in the workshop) could provide a brief introduction to the management of the resources water, soil and waste. Some field trips or site visits related to the issue can be part of the student’s programme. Based on experience in their home country, students could work out specific needs and common features of resources management. Finally, they can join (and be invited to engage in) a panel discussion on “How to advance a nexus approach to environmental resources management? Curricula requirements for the next generation of environmental managers”.
Items to be included in the agenda of the regional workshop
· Brief introduction of all participants highlighting their experience and expertise in the field of environmental resources management and presenting ongoing study programmes
· Status report of mapping of available study programmes related to environmental resources management at UEM and in the region
· Presentation of the proposed joint study programme of TUD and UNU-FLORES (update of presentation at 2nd ISW)
· Working group session: required components of a curriculum on integrated resources management of the Twin Institute
· Working group session: balancing required components and available modules, defining contributions of partners
· Working group session: research on integrated resources management in the region – needs and opportunities
· Panel discussion on “How to advance a nexus approach to environmental resources management? Curricula requirements for the next generation of environmental managers”.